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Brackenwood Junior School

Pastoral Care

At Brackenwood Junior School, we run nurture provision that supports pupils mental health and well-being. Pupils at Brackenwood Junior School are individually timetabled to support/interventions that specifically target areas they may need - Friendship concerns, emotional dysregulation, anxiety. 
The interventions support children with many different aspects of their wellbeing; the interventions can include things such as grief, parental separation, self- esteem, anxiety and resilience and we provide a place where children can come if they need a safe space to talk.
Children can be referred for pastoral support/intervention through their class teacher or via the school Senco. 
If parents have concerns about their child's well-being or pastoral needs, please contact Ms Balmer (School Senco) or your child's class teacher who will make a referral for further support.
After the referral, the needs of the pupil are assessed and sessions can be put into place. We have qualified Mental Health First Aiders on school site and all of our staff have had additional training in children’s wellbeing.


Below are some useful links to support parents with pastoral care at home
Camhs Website - https://www.mymind.org.uk/ 
https://youngminds.org.uk/ - helping children with anxiety
The Health and Well Being Hub leaflet from the 0-19 team leaflet attached can offer you a network of support for healthy eating, weight management, sleep behaviour, bed wetting, behavioural concerns, emotional well being, confidence/self esteem and lifestyle advice.
The hub can be accessed directly by parents