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Brackenwood Junior School

RE Curriculum at Brackenwood Junior School

‘It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive.’

-Maya Angelou

At Brackenwood Junior School our Religious Education curriculum aims to develop the pupil’s knowledge and understanding of different religions, beliefs and practices. Through the teaching of Religious Education, we provide pupils with opportunities to ask questions and develop lines enquiries by comparing and analysing a range of ideas, viewpoints, use empathy and reflection to evaluate their learning.  Our curriculum allows pupils to think critically, develop a perspective and make judgements based on the many world religions. There are many significant links to British Values, fostering respectful attitudes to people with different views, faiths or World Views from their own. Our Religious Education curriculum promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and each pupil’s self-worth through the development of their ideas, values, practices and identities. This enables all pupils to develop cultural understanding in order for them to be educated citizens.

At Brackenwood Juniors, weekly lessons encourage pupils to develop their knowledge of the different world faiths, including looking at holy books, religious places of worship and significant people who have used their religion to influence and impact the lives of others. All lessons begin by retrieving prior learning, revisiting of knowledge helps make links to other units and strengthens the memory. Throughout each lesson a range of materials including artefacts, photographs and stories are used to bring the world religions to life. Knowledge organisers help to aid the retention of learning, provide a summary of the facts and have a glossary of vocabulary for each unit taught, across all year groups. As a school we ensure that time is dedicated to collective worship, giving all our pupils a chance to reflect on their own beliefs and how to be respectful of others. To support engagement in learning further, we have close links to local religious groups and we make visits regularly, throughout the year, to our local Church of England Church, enhancing the children’s understanding, with an immersive element.

The impact of Religious Education at Brackenwood Juniors is evidenced in a variety of ways.  We have a broad and balanced approach to the curriculum, with the children learning about many world religions. Evidence of work completed in individual RE books exemplifies the range of learning activities undertaken. At the end of each unit the children complete a quiz, demonstrating the knowledge they have acquired. Our school environment has a display demonstrating the world religions that are studied across the whole key stage.  Throughout each religion completed, children are encouraged to think, explore and understand the many differences and similarities across the world religions, developing a lifelong mutual respect for other’s beliefs.