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Brackenwood Junior School

September News WC 23/09/2024

Year 3 and 4 News 

Year 3

Year 3 have had yet another fantastic week! This week we focused on comparing and ordering numbers to 1000. We have also been busy practing for the Harvest Festival where Year 3 have started to sing their hearts out. In Art, the children have been continuing to work on their sketching and shading skills of their own faces. In Music, Year 3 have continued to work on ballads and started to write their own song lyrics to a chosen familiar ballad instrumental version. In Science, we looked at which objects were magnetic. Next week we will have a Science day looking at our topic of forces and magnets. Please make sure that all children have old school/wellies for community garden which will be either on a Friday or a Monday! 

Well done Year 4 on a great week! This week, we have been focusing on rounding, comparing and ordering numbers to 1,000. We have also been battling other classes on Times Tables Rock Stars, which the children have enjoyed! In Art, the children have been creating their final tile creation, ready to carve the clay in the coming weeks. In Music, Year 4 have continued to use their body's to create rhythms and sounds, focusing on the sounds heard in the rainforest. Next week 4T are swimming every afternoon, so please remember either a swimming costume or trunks! The homework this week focuses on mentally adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers. Just a reminder that Year 4's Community Garden slot has changed to a Thursday! Have a great weekend and see you next week!


Year 5 and 6 News 

Year 5

We have been getting further stuck into our Geography unit this week. Over the last few weeks we have looked at the countries and capitals that make up South America. We have also looked at compass points.  This week we focused on human and physical features of South America. Once we had identified these as a class, we used IPads to research different areas. Did you know that South America has a tropical rainforest full of exotic animals and birds? And a huge mountain range? And that at the southern most point penguins live there too!

We’ve continued to progress our music knowledge. This week we learnt more about the musical notes, how to read each of them on the musical stave. We then had a go at writing our own compositions …we then played them with our partners.