Homework protocol
Key principles
o Homework should support learning which takes place in school.
o Homework should be consolidation and practice of previously taught objectives.
o Homework should largely be an independent task which requires minimal support
from adults at home.
o Homework provides an opportunity for pupils to develop organisational and
independent skills (Remembering when it’s due, time management, taking
responsibility for learning.) whilst in a supportive and helpful environment.
o Homework should not cause any extra pressure on family life.
o School needs to get the balance right between setting high expectations and
minimising anxiety or feelings towards school and school work.
o Research suggests that homework is most effective when it’s relevant and digital.
The homework survey shows that parents have very different opinions about homework
from each other. Therefore we need to find a happy medium, which helps children
develop skills, reduces pressure on home life, not arduous or time consuming to set and
Therefore, we will focus on a few key areas.
Reading – Levelled book or spine text to be checked off by monitors.
Spelling – Printed lists taken from the LTP
Times tables – Rapid recalls following the LTP and TTRS class battles
Arithmetic – Worksheet to consolidate strategy taught in class. Year 4-6 will also have
access to Mathletics until February.
Answers will be posted in the Google Classroom announcement so children can self-
check. This supports learning as they can rework the question and self-correct.
Google Classroom will be used weekly to give details of the homework and share
arithmetic answers for self correction.
Homework is set each Friday and is due the next Thursday.
Each child will have a plastic wallet with -
a cover sheet,
statutory spellings
fun ways to learn spellings
time stable square
Children on SEND plans will have work set but adapted.
Children who are working at greater depth will have access to extension
homework via Google Classroom.
On Google Classroom, there will be a section with:
1. The homework letter to parents.
2. Message from year group staff setting expectations in a child friendly way.
3. Fun ways to learn spellings.
4. Spelling LTP for your year group.
5. Statutory spellings for Y3/4 and Y5/6.
6. Links to useful websites eg – TTRS, Maths Frame, Maths Bot, Hit the button etc.
7. Times table grid.
8. Worked examples of arithmetic strategies or photo of working wall.