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Brackenwood Junior School

February News WC 10/02/2025

Year 3 News

It has been an amazing and busy last week of term in Year 3! On Tuesday, we had an incredible Disco Day, where we immersed ourselves in music and dance, bringing to life the themes of our book Call Me Lion. The children had so much fun learning new moves and expressing themselves through dance. In Maths, we began our unit on measurement, focusing on metres and centimetres, and exploring how to measure objects accurately. Our Art lessons saw the children curating their very own art gallery, showcasing their fantastic creations. They also took time to evaluate their work, giving thoughtful feedback on how they could improve their techniques. In Science, we observed the plants we have been growing for six weeks, investigating what a plant needs to thrive. It was fascinating to see that the plant with no space and one with the perfect conditions grew just as much as each other! In PE, we continued developing our fundamental movement skills, concentrating on throwing, jumping, and running. Additionally, we took part in Safer Internet Day, learning how to recognize and avoid online scams to help us stay safe in the digital world.

It has been a fantastic half-term, and we wish everyone a safe and well-rested break!

Year 4 News

What a fantastic last week of term it has been in Year 4! The children have been engaged in a range of exciting learning activities, showing creativity, enthusiasm, and determination in every subject.

The classroom has been filled with music as we have started learning the song for our Philharmonic Theatre trip in March. It’s been wonderful to hear the children singing so confidently.

In maths, we have been focusing on perimeter, learning how to measure and calculate the total distance around a shape. The children have been working hard to remember to add all the numbers on the outside of the shape, and it’s been great to see their confidence growing with each lesson.

English has been all about creativity, with the children designing their own heroes, villains, and magical objects. Their imaginative ideas have been fantastic, and we can’t wait to see how their stories develop next term.

Art lessons have been inspired by Quentin Blake, with the children painting their favourite illustrations. They have worked carefully to capture his unique style, and the results have been truly impressive!

Have a wonderful break, and we look forward to more exciting learning next term! 

Year 5 News

Even though it's the final week of this half term we have been super busy! 

We have finished our RE unit on Faith in Action, completed our brilliant topic on West African drumming, painted more detail in our Monet artwork, looked at the use of land around the Amazon river and how the Yanomami tribe, who live nearby, compare to how we live in Wirral and even fitted in some Spanish work… and it was 5WO’s turn to have the school hamster this week. 

It has also been Safer Internet Day this week. Year 5 focused on how to stay safe online and looked at the digital footprints that we leave (and probably didn’t realise we were leaving).