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Welcome To Our New Website!
Brackenwood Junior School

October News WC 01/10/2024

It’s been a fantastic, action-packed week in Year 4! Class 4T has been swimming all week and has thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It’s been wonderful to see their skills improving and growing stronger. In maths, the children have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000. This week’s homework will focus specifically on rounding to the nearest 100. In English, the pupils have been identifying regular and irregular verbs, which will help them structure their sentences more effectively for writing. In Art, the children have completed their final drafts of Andrew Miller-inspired tiles and are excited to etch the clay next week. Keep up the fantastic focus, Year 4! We wish everyone a wonderful weekend!

Year 6 have had a fantastic week!

Both classes have enjoyed reading more of our class story 'The Nowhere Emporium' and are eager to begin our writing units soon!

In maths, we are still tackling arithmetic and we are thrilled with the progress the children are making in decimals and fractions.

In grammar lessons, we have been focusing on verb phrases and phrasal verbs. This is a tricky concept but Year 6 have shown great resilience this week learning this concept:) In art, children have been creating self-portraits with pencils and fine line pens using the skill of cross-hatching to create tone in their work.

In Geography, we have been looking at Global Supply Chain and how products are made and the stages in which they go through before being traded across the world to shops. In PE, we have continued with handball, playing matches.