Year 3 News
It’s been a fantastic first week back in Year 3, despite the wintry ice and snow! The children have settled in wonderfully and dived straight into their learning. In Maths, we focused on the 4 and 8 times tables, building confidence and speed with these. In English, we began exploring the book Call Me Lion, stepping into Leo’s shoes to reflect on his feelings and experiences so far in the story. Art lessons have been full of creativity as the children experimented with charcoal techniques to create stunning shell drawings. In Geography, we started learning about the climates of different countries, sparking lots of curiosity and discussion. Finally, in RE, we explored Sikhism, learning about what makes this religion unique and special. It’s been a busy week, and we’re so proud of the enthusiasm Year 3 has shown in the first week back! Please make sure that all children come in with old shoes or wellies for our wet/ winty weather especially with Community Gardens running outside still.Â