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Brackenwood Junior School

January News WC 06/01/2025

Year 3 News

It’s been a fantastic first week back in Year 3, despite the wintry ice and snow! The children have settled in wonderfully and dived straight into their learning. In Maths, we focused on the 4 and 8 times tables, building confidence and speed with these. In English, we began exploring the book Call Me Lion, stepping into Leo’s shoes to reflect on his feelings and experiences so far in the story. Art lessons have been full of creativity as the children experimented with charcoal techniques to create stunning shell drawings. In Geography, we started learning about the climates of different countries, sparking lots of curiosity and discussion. Finally, in RE, we explored Sikhism, learning about what makes this religion unique and special. It’s been a busy week, and we’re so proud of the enthusiasm Year 3 has shown in the first week back! Please make sure that all children come in with old shoes or wellies for our wet/ winty weather especially with Community Gardens running outside still. 

Year 5 News

What a great first week back in school. We have been excited to start our new topics in Science, RE, Geography and much, much more. The RE unit started with a great lesson which encourged discussion around the topic of Faith in Action. In Gepgraphy, we studied biomes and discussed the plants and animals which live in them. Do you know how the distance from the equator impacts biomes? Do you know where you're more likely to find rainforests? We love to investigate!

Year 6 News

Year 6 students are back in full swing as we start the new term! We are extremely excited for the upcoming few months, with lots of new topics to learn about and continuing to work hard towards SATS. Despite the icy, snowy weather, the children have loved being in school together learning and spending quality time together at lunch playing board games, colouring and watching films. 

This week, the children have began their new english writing units. Miss McKinney's class will be writing a Non-Chronological Report on a theme park and Mrs Lee's class will be writing a response to their TripAdvisor review they completed last term. 

In Geography, we have began learning about Mountains and and Mountain ranges in the world. We also looked at 6 figure grid references and located various things on a map of Snowdon.

In PE, Mr Moss introduced 'Tri-Golf' as our new topic for this half term. Next week, we will begin learning WW2 dance alongside Tri-Golf.Â