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Brackenwood Junior School

November 2023

Year 3 News- Week 5- 27.11.23
Year 3 have had another busy but fantastic week!
In History, we have been investigating Stone Age tools and weapons, we even got to examine them up close.
For our Science this week, we investigated the properties of rocks and tried to decide which one would be best to use to make a statue.
We have been busy with our Autumn assessments but we always have time for our times tables-mastering those 3s! An amazing job at representing them is so many different ways.
For Computing, the children have been iMotion to make animations.
We can't wait to get started on writing our Stone Age story next week.
Year 4 News- Week 5- 27.11.23
What another amazing week for Year 4! This week to kick off our Christmas activities, we had the BFG movie night. It was lovely to see all of year 4 joining together to eat popcorn and treats and watch a Christmas film.
In English this wee, we have begun our new genre 'playscript writing'. We look forward to writing our own script and act them out to each other. In Science, we have been learning about conductors and insulators. We experimented with various materials in a circuit to test if they are conductors or insulators of electricity. 
In PSHE, we had lots of discussions around stereotypes for people with disabilities. 
Year 5 News- Week 5- 27.11.23
Our week has been filled with assessments and Carol Concert rehearsals. We’ve managed to squeeze in lots of other fun lessons too. Such as fractions in maths and persuasive letters in English. In science, we looked at the results from an experiment into rusting. We found salt water to be the most effective in causing the irreversible chemical reaction.

The highlight of our week was the christmassy movie night. Year 5 came together to eat popcorn and watch a lovely festive film; organised by our wonderful BFG. 

Year 6 News- Week 5- 27.11.23
Wow, Year 6 have worked hard this week during assessment week! They have been focused on each test and have tried their best - Team Year 6 are feeling very proud! We can clearly see next steps for learning and we can't wait to help children make even more progress throughout the year. 
It was lovely to have many of them stay and relax for our Christmas Movie Night...cosy with their friends watching Home Alone. It certainly got us all feeling very festive and the BFG did a fantastic job of organising it. 
We had some in depth conversations about health and wellbeing as part of PSHCE this week - we looked at diet, exercise, dental health as well as getting enough sleep. The children were very engaged with discussions and they reflected well on their current habits as well as making suggestions to improve things further for the future. 
Science was interesting this week and we have started researching about the Galapagos Islands which has been interesting. We can't wait to learn more next week.
20.11.23 Year 3 had a wonderful week!
We have continued reading our book Stone Age Boy and focused on speech and expanded noun phrases which we will use in a few weeks in our narrative writing. Maths has been very tricky remembering to exchange correctly when doing 3 digit subtraction equations.
In science we have been learning about igneous rocks, did you know that it’s cooled down lava! In history we looked at Stone Age settlements in particular Skara Brae in Scotland. We loved doing a quiz at the end of lesson about what we had learnt. In computing we got to be very creative and design our own flip book. It was so much fun, you should try it at home all you need is post it notes and a pencil.

Year 4 News- Week 4- 20.11.23
In Maths this week, we have been learning about Area. We have been using counters to find area, counting squares as well as drawing our own rectilinear shapes with given areas. 
In History, we have been developing our knowledge of Anglo-Saxons and Vikings by researching what their life was like in Britain, learning about their beliefs, daily jobs, homes, society and leadership. We used iMovies to record our findings and it was so much fun!!
In English, we have just finished our MAT Well-Being writing project. We loved writing about the importance of keeping fit and health and finding out the many ways to do so such as having a positive mind, eating a well-balanced diet, exercising, and having a good sleeping schedule. 
We had a fun Science lesson this week testing circuits out, explaining why/why not an electrical component such as a light bulb light up or a buzzer work. 
Year 5 News- Week 4- 20.11.23

What a great week! We have made prototypes of our Tippy Taps in DT - the children worked very hard to produce a scaled down model. They really exercised their mathematical muscles! The prototypes look fabulous.

There has also been an opportunity to show off some outstanding gymnastic skills, with the coach this week. 

Year 6 News- Week 4. 20.11.23
In Year 6 this week, we have been to Styal Mill as part of our learning on the Victorians. Thank you for your fabulous efforts if you dressed up! We have posted photographs on Twitter so please check them out. It was interesting learning about how the mill was ran and the different roles within it during the Victorian times. As well as this, our children were able to experience what it would have been like for children in that time. They practised writing on slates, brushed the floors and played some games amongst many other things. 
In DT this week, we have been designing our Victorian fairground rides which include electrical circuits. We can't wait to start making them soon!
In Science, children were very engaged learning about fossils as part of our learning. It would be great for them to look at the Jurassic Coast further at home. 
We have been very impressed with the writing produced in English lessons as children have just published their final pieces for their balanced arguments. Their reasons for and against were so detailed!