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Brackenwood Junior School

March 2024

W/C 25.03.24
Year 3
We had a lot of fun in our final week of school. We finished off our assessment and we have been so pleased with the great scores the children have achieved. In geography, we learnt about how animals have adapted to survive in the desert. During maths lessons, we have started learning about fractions and the children are picking up the concept very quickly using impressive mathematical vocabulary such as denominater and numerator. We also finished our video game narrative based on our book Press Start Super Rabbit Boy. The children did an amazing job using expanded noun phrases to give detailed descriptions of the characters and settings.
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have shown so much enthusiasm for the end of unit assessment in Science. The competitiveness was tangible! We are really looking forward to doing more quizzes during the Summer Term. 
During Maths lessons, we have been working on long division as well as reasoning questions linked to perimeter, symmetry and pictograms. Don't forget to check the key carefully when looking at pictogram questions. 
W/C 18.3.24
Year 3
It has been an amazing week in year 3 we got to go on a school trip to Wrexham where we explored a Roman fort. We got to guard the walls, patrol the perimeter, dress up as Romans, patch up a Roman road and practice Roman military formations with armour and shields. A big thank you to all the parents that accompanied us on the trip.
This week in maths we have been learning about perimeter. We tried to trick the children by removing some of the measurements for the shapes but they were too smart and still found the correct answers. In english, we have been practising writing strategies to make our writing more interesting such as prepositions, fronted adverbials, show don't tell and expanded noun phrases. In P.E. we have some budding golf fans amongst us. We were very impressed with the children's ability to chip and put the ball with accuracy.
Year 6
The last two weeks have been whole school assessment weeks. Well done to Year 6 for your high effort levels and we have been so impressed by your drive to make progress compared to your Autumn Term assessment scores. We have been particularly blown away with the progress made in arithmetic as some of you have literally doubled your scores! Wow!
Keep up the hard work as you have been striving to achieve your potential and it is certainly paying off. 
We enjoyed having the school photographer in too this week and we are looking forward to seeing the class photographs very soon. 
WC 11.3.24
Year 3
We had a fantastic week participating in STEM week. We did so much! Mrs Gately kindly visited our class and discussed women in science and radiology with us and we got to do a practical activity with her. Also, we were very excited to be joined by our parents for a science experiment. As part of DT we designed our own boats out of paper straws to see if they would float and to make it more difficult we weighed them down with maths cubes. In maths, we played lots of fun and easy-to-use mental maths games. Try playing your child at home if you dare! 
Year 4
What a fantastic, fun-filled week Year 4had! At the beginning of our week, we attended Barnstondale Residential Centre. We had an amazing 2 days abseiling, rock-climbing, riffle shooting, archery and lots of team building activities. The staff are so pleased with the confidence children built on this trip, pushing themselves out of their comfort zone and giving every activity their best shot!
As part of STEM week, we had lots of activities happening in our classroom for DT, Science and Maths. For Science, we invited our parents in to help us with an experiment- 'Do bigger hands hold more cubes?' In DT, we worked in teams to create boats out of paper straws. We needed to create a boat that would float but also hold up to 10 cubes. Every group succeeded with this:)
In Maths, we enjoyed playing a variety of games based on our times tables. We had so much fun during this lesson!
Year 6
As part of STEM week, Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed having parent visitors in to talk to us about their jobs. We all enjoyed visibly seeing the Science with our own eyes using a practical investigation. Our visitors were impressed with the questions that Year 6 asked to deepen their knowledge too. 
In addition to this, we have enjoyed making boats as part of our DT work. Did your boat manage to sail?