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Welcome To Our New Website!
Brackenwood Junior School

February 2024

WC - 26.2.24
Year 4
Year 4 have had a fantastic, fun-filled week for their first week back this half term.
As well as carrying on our Ukulele lessons, we have begun our new topic in music, Rock and Roll. This week we learnt about the history of Rock and Roll and learnt how to stay in time to a piece of rock music. We even learnt how to hand jive!
In English, we have carried on with writing our story on our book Escape from Pompeii. The work that is being produced is amazing and we cannot wait to see the published pieces.
In Maths this week, we have been looking at perimeter. We have been finding perimeter of rectilinear shapes as well as finding the missing lengths of shapes.
Year 4 have been planning their final pieces in art this week and have made a start on their final illustrations in the style of Quentin Blake. It has been amazing seen the progress in the drawing skills over the past few weeks.
In Geography, we have been learning about the key parts of a volcano and how it erupts. Next week, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of living near a volcano.
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have been using passive voice, modals verbs and the subjunctive mood in their writing. We have been so impressed at how they have put these skills into paragraphs this week. Next week, we are looking forward to seeing their letters to Spring. 
In Maths, children have been getting to grips with some challenging arithmetic questions. It has been amazing to see the progress that has been made in their understanding and watching them beam with  pride.
In Science, we have planned an investigation and the children have worked brilliantly in groups to plan together. We are looking forward to seeing whether their predictions are accurate next week. 
WC- 12.2.24
Year 4
What a fantastic end to this half term we have had! 
In our Ukulele lessons, we have carried on learning the different strings and began to play along with a song. We even learnt how to rap!
In maths this week, we have begun our new topic 'Perimeter'. We have learnt how to convert meters into kilometres as well as found perimeters of shapes. We are thoroughly enjoying this topic:)
In English, we have been learning to punctuate speech correctly. We have also started to plan our narrative for our book 'Escape from Pompeii'. We have been using story maps to help us with our writing. 
In art, we have been practicing our watercolour techniques in the style of Quentin Blake. We looked at how he applied the watercolours and how he makes light and dark shades.
We looked at what makes us happy in PSHE. During this lesson, we focused on things that we have control over rather than things that we don't.